I feel that the problem with the entire humanity is that we have been conditioned to 'PLAY IT SAFE' through centuries, nay, millenniums of conditioning. Whether it's the choice of a 'career' or a 'relationship' or a 'religious/spiritual' quest or for that matter, the very 'Life' itself, We always..ALWAYS believe in 'playing it safe' because we have been made to believe that "it's too much of a 'risk' in 'taking a chance' "
BUT... there's a flip side to that coin!
The problem with this 'play it safe' approach is that chances are that you would never be able to 'create' anything of 'beauty'. And neither would you be able to 'experience' the pure 'bliss' because beauty and bliss can never emerge from a CAREFULL approach. Never! Beauty & bliss are the fruits of a CAREFREE attitude alone.
The way I see it, there are three basic approaches towards life:
1- The CAREFULL approach
2- The CARELESS approach
3- The CAREFREE approach
Of these three approaches,'Careful' & 'Careless' are at the extremes while the 'Carefree' approach is somewhere in between these extremes.
Being 'carefree' is not the same as being 'careless', as is popularly held belief. It's beyond that. To be 'carefree' means to be exactly aware of a problem but at the same time, being able to realize that NO problem, no matter how unmanageable it may appear, is beyond tackling. So there's no need getting all bothered & worked up over it.
Problems, infact, are a matter of perception or approach. What may seem as a problem to a person with either CARELESS or CAREFUL approach, might appear as an opportunity to a person with a CAREFREE approach.
So my friends, I would like to make an appeal to all you guys out there to follow the CAREFREE approach towards life. Chances are that you'll begin to enjoy the life as an adventure rather than going on with it like a boring routine.
PS: From my personal experience, I would like to make it clear that you are going to be labeled 'CARELESS' as soon as you make the transition from the 'careful' to the 'carefree' because the majority of humanity still continues to be 'careful' & they refuse to acknowledge any other approach than the two extremes-'careful' & 'careless'. To them you'll be 'careless' IF you are not 'careful'.
As far as I am concerned, it's worth being labeled careless. For, frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!
That's why, I never bid adieu with the "take care" phrase. I prefer the "don't take care, take a chance, loose control!", instead. Because those who take care, go on taking care for the entire length of their lives & when the moment of bidding adieu to this vain bodily existence finally arrives, they are nothing but a bundle of unfulfilled fantasies, unrealized dreams & unquenched thirsts..
Come on, guys...YOU deserve better than this.
So for once, pray DON'T take care, take a chance, LOOSE CONTROL!
Awesome!!! I truly beleive in this..
Keep it up as always!!
Thanks, as always, Neetu :)
a perfect 10!!!
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